
10:21. The fastener of a back nave (model with SOHC engines)


Arrangement of three bolts of fastening of the fastener of a nave to the longitudinal lever of a back suspension bracket

1. Remove a nave of a back wheel.
2. Unscrew four bolts, the fixing fasteners of a nave and a brake board to the longitudinal lever of a back suspension bracket (see the drawing). After unscrewing of bolts support a brake board and after removal of the fastener of a back nave immediately screw in bolts into place to fix a brake board and to exclude deformation of a brake tube.


1. Installation is made in the sequence, the return to removal. Before installation grease the nave fastener flange interfaced to a brake board a thin layer of lithium lubricant.
2. Tighten the required moment bolts of fastening of the fastener of a nave.