77d7eb28 Assembly

Installation of the final valve in a head of the block of cylinders

Installation of the lower cup of a spring

Installation of the adjusting plug on a valve core

Installation of a maslootrazhatelny cap

Installation of a maslootrazhatelny cap into place

Installation of a valvate spring

Installation of the top cup of a spring

Installation of crackers in dredging of a core of the valve

1. Clear all details of a head of the block of cylinders.
2. Oil cores of valves engine and insert them on the places. Install the valve on those places where they were ground in (see rice. Installation of the final valve in a head of the block of cylinders).
3. Install the lower cup of a spring (see rice. Installation of the lower cup of a spring).
4. In a set of new maslootrazhatelny caps there is an adjusting plug which is installed on a core of the valve and protects working edges of maslootrazhatelny caps at their installation. Install the adjusting plug on a valve core (see rice. Installation of the adjusting plug on a valve core). Lower a maslootrazhatelny cap in fresh engine oil and establish it on a valve core into place, being careful not to damage its working edges. For installation of maslootrazhatelny caps use a special metal mandrel (see rice. Installation of a maslootrazhatelny cap, Installation of a maslootrazhatelny cap into place).
5. Establish a valvate spring and the top cup of a spring (see rice. Installation of a valvate spring, Installation of the top cup of a spring).
6. Special adaptation squeeze a valvate spring and establish crackers in dredging of a core of the valve and grease them. Remove the device for compression of a spring. Repeat this operation on other valves.
7. Knock with a hammer through wooden whetstone on a valve core end face in order that all elements of the valve accurately were established on the places (see rice. Installation of crackers in dredging of a core of the valve).
8. If necessary establish collectors, the thermostat and a casing of the thermostat. Screw in spark plugs.
9. Install a head of the block of cylinders on the engine.