
3.1.23. Repair of a head of the block of cylinders


When dismantling a head of the block of cylinders it is necessary to use the special device for compression of valvate springs. At assembly of a head of the block of cylinders it is necessary to use new maslootrazhatelny caps.

Arrangement of bolts of fastening of a back casing of a gear belt on the engine of 1,8 l

Use of special device for compression of a spring of the final valve of the first cylinder on the engine of 2,0 l


Elements inlet (1) and final (2) valves


1. Remove a head of the block of cylinders and clear it of dirt.
2. Remove a thermostat casing, and on models 1,4 and 1,6 of l remove the thermostat. Remove collectors from a head of the block of cylinders. Unscrew spark plugs.
3. Remove yokes, blocks of axial pressure and hydraulic pushers from a head of the block of cylinders. Using the device for compression of a spring of the valve, squeeze each spring and remove crackers from a valve end face. Remove the device for compression of a spring and take a plate and a spring. Плоскогуб tsamiyets, being careful, take a maslootrazhatelny cap from a valve rod. Take the lower plate of a spring.
4. When the spring of the valve is compressed and the cup of a spring is not removed from crackers, it is necessary to strike with the hammer through wooden whetstone a spring cup that will lead to release of crackers.
5. Take the valve via the combustion chamber. Each valve you store in a separate plastic bag together with a plate springs, a spring, a nest of a spring and crackers for their further installation on the places.