
7.3.3. Replacement of transmission liquid

1. Before replacement of transmission liquid make a small control trip for warming up of the transmission up to the normal working temperature.
2. Install the car on the flat horizontal platform, switch off ignition and tighten the emergency brake. For improvement of access to the transmission lift a forward part of the car and record on supports.
3. Take the probe for measurement of level of liquid in the automatic transmission, then install a container under the drain stopper located in a back right part of the transmission under a power shaft, and unscrew a stopper.
4. Merge liquid from the transmission in a container.
5. After discharge of liquid from the transmission clear a carving on a drain stopper and in a transmission case opening. Establish a new sealing washer on a masloslivny stopper and screw in a stopper in a case of the transmission and tighten it the required moment. Lower the car on the earth.
6. Fill in the required quantity of transmission of this liquid in the automatic transmission, then check liquid level.
7. Start the engine in the idling mode for several minutes. Switch off the engine and check the level of transmission liquid in the transmission. If necessary add liquid. Make control check and repeatedly check the level of transmission liquid.