77d7eb28 Installation


At installation it is necessary to use a new gear belt.

Installation of the expansion plug on a bolt of fastening of a pulley of the mechanism of a tension

Tightening of a bolt of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders

1. Establish a back casing of a gear belt in the sequence, the return to removal.
2. Establish a pulley of the mechanism of a tension of a gear belt, at the same time keep in mind that expansion plugs are installed by smaller diameter to a pulley (see rice. Installation of the expansion plug on a bolt of fastening of a pulley механиз ма tension). At this stage do not tighten finally a bolt of fastening of a pulley механиз ма tension.
3. Establish a persistent washer and the cogged pulley on a bent shaft. Grease a carving of a bolt of fastening of a pulley with a thin layer of engine oil, screw in it in a bent shaft and tighten the required moment in two steps. When tightening a bolt of fastening of a pulley of a bent shaft record a bent shaft from a provorachivaniye by the same method, as well as when unscrewing a bolt.
4. Establish pulleys of camshafts. At the same time adjusting pins on camshafts have to enter openings in pulleys. Pulleys of an ustanavla howl tags forward.
5. When tightening bolts of fastening hold the camshaft from a provorachivaniye in the same way, as well as at removal.
6. Check a condition of rubber laying of a cover of a head of the block of cylinders and replace it if necessary. Establish a cover of a head of the block of cylinders and tighten fastening bolts the required moment (see rice. Tightening of a bolt of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders).
7. Establish high-voltage wires on spark plugs and fix them by brackets on a cover of a head of the block of cylinders. Establish a cover of spark plugs and fix it by bolts.
8. Connect a hose of ventilation of a case to a cover of a head of the block of cylinders.
9. Temporarily establish a pulley of a vspomog of a telny driving belt of a bent shaft. Check that adjusting tags on pulleys of a bent shaft and a raspreda of litelny shaft are combined from the index ми. Establish a gear belt on pulleys, since a pulley of a bent shaft.
10. Establish a pulley of a bent shaft and fix by bolts, having tightened them the required moment. When tightening bolts of fastening of a pulley hold a bent shaft from a provorachivaniye in the same way, as well as when unscrewing bolts.
11. Adjust a tension of a gear belt.
12. Establish an external casing of a gear belt. Check that rubber condense telny rings in openings under screws fell into place, then fix a casing by screws.
13. Establish a belt of the drive of the generator and adjust its tension.
14. Establish a belt of the drive of the pump of the amplifier of steering and an otregula to a ruyta its tension.
15. Install the air filter.
16. Connect a weight wire to the accumulator.